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Welcome to mY lifE (=
Monday, October 20, 2008Y


hahaha... nice one huh !!!

heart blue w/ glitter 9:07 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008Y

Friendster Reminder - -Ricky-'s Birthday is Today - October 19‏
i miss him a lot..
what about u ?
happy birthday.. my dear friend...
hope u are fine & take care (=

heart blue w/ glitter 10:56 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008Y

introducing my lunch today...

pizza !!! hehehe..

this is the nicest pizza i ever had in my life so far...

found at the coffeeshop near my house... hehee...
it looks a little too class to be in the coffeeshop huh ???

ok la... it smell so nice that i forgotten to take photo before eating.. hehe...

this is the seafood one...
you can find the whole solid prawn, clams, mussels and sotong in it...

and the all time favourite...
Hawaii pizza !!!

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm~! so yummylious...

cos it's still hot when u eat...

after the rich fav lunch...

it's time to indulge in my new love...

it helps in digestion =)

oh yah... and not forgetting the photo of the day !!! hehehehe...

shall not disclose who she is =X

heart blue w/ glitter 3:00 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008Y
Crazy Ah Beng

Got this mail from jessica...
made me laugh out loud...

Crazy Ah Beng...

Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 17 friends?Because below 18 not allowed!

Ah Beng went to a shop to buy a TV set.
Ah Beng : 'Oi, you have color TV ?'
Salesgirl : 'Yes sir, we do!'Ah Beng : 'Ok, give me green one, please '
Ah Beng is filling up an application form for a job.
He supplied the information for the columns on Name, Age, Address etc.
Then he comes to column on 'Salary Expected', but he is not sure of thequestion.
After much thought, he writes 'Sure lah!'

Ah Beng goes to a store and sees a shiny object.
Ah Beng : 'What that shiny ojet ?'
Salesgirl : 'That is a thermos flask.'
Ah Beng : 'Do what?'
Salesgirl : 'It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold'
Ah Beng : 'I buy!'
The next day, Ah Beng goes to work with his thermo flask
Boss : 'What is that shiny object ?'
Ah Beng : 'Termo flass.'
Boss : 'What does it do ?'
Ah Beng : 'Keep hot hot and cold cold'
Boss : 'What do you have in it !?'
Ah Beng : 'Two cup kopi and one cup ice-cream'

After taking photocopies of documents, Ah Beng always compares it withthe original for spelling mistakes.

Ah Beng always smiles during lightning storms because he thinks his pictureis being taken.

Why can't Ah Beng dial 911?
Because he can't find the number 11 (eleven) on the phone.

Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it.
When he encountered some problems. He decided to use the 'Help' commandafter some tries.
Soon after, he became very irritated and called thecomputer retailer for support.
Ah Beng : 'Wah piang, I press 'F1' key for help but more than half hourstill nobody come help me?!'

Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor.
The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered, 'Iironing shirt and then phone ring lah, but instead of pick up the phone, Iaccidentally pick the iron and answer but he hang up'.
'Oh dear!' the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. 'But what happened to the other ear?'
Ah Beng answered : 'Aiyah that stupid dumbo...he call again!'

Ah Beng was talking to a long-distance telephone operator.
Operator: 'JUST A MINUTE.......'

After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite sometime, Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a friend.'
It take me only 5 month to finish', Ah Beng brags.
'Five months??? That's too long', the friend exclaims.
'You stupid ah', Ah Beng replies, 'See...box say "for 4-7 years".

At a bar in New York, the man to Ah Beng's left tells the bartender,'Johnnie Walker, single.' and his companion says, 'Jack Daniels, single'. The bartender looks to Ah Beng and asks, 'And you, sir?'Ah Beng replies : 'Tan Ah Beng, married'. ~

heart blue w/ glitter 7:27 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008Y

hmmmm.... time passes so fast.... it seems like i have just updated my blog yesterday.... but it's actually a few weeks ago... hehehe...
starting to feel the push in work life life le... the pressure... the shortage of time... and everything la...
weekends are always not enff... it seems so short... why can't be work 2 days and break 5 days ??? =D~

somehow or rather... i kinda addicted to night life... being out late till mid-night and get crazy with friends...
anyone wanna be my night life buddy ??? be it late night movies... or anything !!! hehehe...
i already have in mind who will be the first to volunteer !!! Michele Tan Mei Xuan !!! hahahaha...

reading mic's blog and saw what she said in one of her post... ((people say that when u r in a relationshhip for too long..it's not the love dat keeps u tgt anymore..its just a sense of obligation..)) it just makes me think how true this can be.... weiwei and I was on bus 87 toward bedok yest when we met one couple literally fighting at the back of the bus =.=
i was half-way dozing off when suddenly there was this gal who shouted "you dare to hit me! even my parents have nv hit me before!!! and u hit me!" (in chinese)...
everyone in the bus turn la... the bus uncle also tio stun la... look into the rear mirror with his jaw dropped !!! apparently the gal had already slapped the guy before she started shouting at the guy madly ~~~ i guess it was a real hard one... cos the guy's spects flew to our seat... broken some more !!! imagine they were sitting like 3 -4 seats away from us leh.... power man !!!
that poor guy just spoke to the gal softly... seems like he's trying to explain some stuff and try to cool the gal down... but the gal got hotter and hotter la... weiwei wanted to pick up the specs and return to him... but i stop him... hahahaha... later kana punch how... hahahaha...

i predict their relationship sld have ended by now ba.... ~~~
poor guy... i believe u can find a better one !!!

heart blue w/ glitter 8:04 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2008Y
DFS bbq @ downtown east coasta sand

had a departmental bbq Wednesday (1 oct) @ pasir ris
this is the 2nd time i'm attending the departmental outing...
the 1st time was to Toji Korean restaurant (=

it was kinda like a department cum family gathering...
most of the ppl brought their family and friends along... heeex...
i guess too much of updating causes my mind to be blank now....
i had been blogging for the past 4 hours =.=
so let the photo do the talking ba =X
dietitian and boss in action !!
yummy food...
me with jess and her hubby..
jo with jasmin (derek's gal)
and dunno why... everyone started to take the mashmellow pic...
alvin, the stoner

bryan and his son, ray
hui hsien
ping sing
oh... that my glam ex-supervisor clearing up the place... hehe..

even plastic bag for rubbish also branded one !!!! haaax...

ping sing with her housemate

our dietitians...

and everyone had dark eye ring the next day at work =D

heart blue w/ glitter 3:01 PM

Moi 21st Birthday !!!!

and now... my turn to be 21!!


i'm finally 21 !!!

no more restrictions !!! =p

i can watch R21 show already !!! opsss... just kidding... hahaha =D

i wish for "ji ba ban" !!! teeheee....

see my cheeky smile... hehe...

me with my mummy... seldom take photo with her... =X

with mummy and cold war sis....

with chong kiat and family...

with CGH colleagues and boss

with TP friends...

with gang...

with my boy...
with sec friends...
with my cake...
thanks to all who came... =)

thanks for the present =)

album from my gang.... lets have a preview of it...

once again.... thank you for coming =)

heart blue w/ glitter 1:30 PM